Building Customer Loyalty on the Polish Market
Vol. 7, No 3, 2014
Sławomir Czarniewski, Faculty of Management, University of Finance and |
Management in Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland, E-mail: |
ABSTRACT. Report presents the state and efficiency of communicating selected values in Poland. Author presents economic mechanisms of effectively communicating customer value. Instruments of consumer and business promotion are examined in the context of their effectiveness. Attention is paid to issues related to customer loyalty. Various loyalty programs based on benefits and emotions are presented. This paper also contains the results own of research done on the effectiveness of measures promoting sales, which was conducted among businesses in Poland in 2011 and among consumers in Poland in 2012. The process of communicating values (benefits) not only provides buyers with awareness of what products and services they can buy, but also of the benefits of the purchase for them. The communication process aims to create and strengthen attitudes among buyers, leading to a favorable reception of products (services) as well as a change of attitude from neutral to positive – creative. Reflections contained in the paper do not have definite characteristics and should be treated as an opinion in the discussion. |
Received: May, 2014 1st Revision: July, 2014 Accepted: September, 2014
DOI:10.14254/2071-789X.2014/7-3/16 |
JEL Classification: M31 |
Keywords: customer loyalty, communicating values, benefits, effectiveness. |