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Corporate Social Responsibility and Higher Education: Uruguay University Students’ Perceptions

Vol. 6, No 2, 2013



José Luis Vázquez

Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences

University of León, Spain



Ana Lanero

Corporate Social Responsibility and Higher Education: Uruguay University Students’ Perceptions[1]

Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences

University of León, Spain



Oscar Licandro

Faculty of Business Sciences Catholic University of Uruguay,



ABSTRACT. This paper assumes a stakeholder approach to analyze the perceptions and attitudes of students at the Uruguayan university towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) in organizations, just as their experiences of current and desired education on the matter. Self-reported data was collected through a structured questionnaire from a representative sample of undergraduates within Business and related areas at the Catholic University of Uruguay. Descriptive and factor analyses revealed a generalized awareness of the relevance of socially responsible criteria, in line with a high demand of CSR education, particularly in contents of relationships with employees, consumers and respect to environment.


Received: January, 2013

1st Revision: June, 2013

Accepted: August, 2013



JEL Classification: A22, M31

Keywords: Public marketing, corporate social responsibility, higher education, students, Uruguay, sustainability, socioeconomic development.





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