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  • General Founder and Publisher:

    Centre of Sociological Research


  • Publishing Partners:

    University of Szczecin (Poland)

    Széchenyi István University, (Hungary)

    Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

    Alexander Dubcek University of Trencín (Slovak Republic)

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    Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

    American Sociological Association

    European Sociological Association

    World Economics Association (WEA)





Vol. 1, No 1, 2008

 Dr Wojciech Jarecki 

Microeconomics Department 

University of Szczecin, Poland




The paper raises issues relating to individual effects of studying in the European Union with special reference to situation observed in Poland. A thesis has been formulated that it seems well-founded if one enters higher education to have higher earnings, reduce risk of unemployment, or provide oneself with greater number of employment opportunities. This thesis has been validated on the basis of data  derived from Eurostat. Still, it should be highlighted that major differences may be found between particular countries with respect to earnings, unemployment rate or employment rate depending on education level.  Furthermore, the paper also raises other  issues such as non-monetary effects of increasing education level. They have been referred to on the basis of the literature of the subject.    


Key words: education, earnings, unemployment, employment



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